Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.
Bronte P&C Association
The P&C Association is run by parent volunteers to support the school to:
· Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students, and teaching staff into close co-operation.
· Assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students.
· Encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues.
The P&C do this by holding open meetings twice each term attended by the Principal (and often teachers), organizing social activities for students as well as parents and carers, and running fundraising activities.
The P&C also run the Second-Hand Uniform Shop and coordinate Class Parents.
Participating in the committee and volunteering at events is a lot of fun and gives you a great way to meet other parents, find out about what is going on at the school, what decisions the school is facing, and what changes are on the horizon.
Get involved!
· 2024 Dates: 17 June, 5 Aug, 9 Sept, 28 Oct & 2 Dec
· Time: 7pm
· Where: Library
· Who: All welcome!