Bronte Public School


Telephone02 9389 4527

Care out of school hours (BAC)

Bronte Activity Centre (BAC)

The Bronte Activity Centre (BAC) is a not for profit organisation providing before school care, after school care and vacation care, to families of Bronte Public School. The Centre is managed by Lupe Rial, and governed by a voluntary management Committee, comprising of parents who use the centre and wish to help out in any way possible. We also have a wonderful, caring and dedicated team of staff. 

They're an accredited centre complying with all areas outlined by the National Quality Framework and base our program on the My Time, Our Place Framework. This ensures parents that they provide the children with only the highest quality of care.

BAC are located in the hall and Spanish Classroom of Bronte Public School. The office is inside the hall next to the Canteen.

Opening Hours

Before school hours are Monday - Friday, 7:15am to 9:00am.

After school hours are Monday - Friday, 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

Vacation care hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Public holidays - CLOSED

More information

You can find more information on the BAC website.

Email them at

Phone them on 0437 011 730.